Well the travel has finally ended - after seven weeks of being mostly gone I'm home for the majority of the next three months! Well at this point I don't have many trips planned! I still haven't gotten around to writing up the rest of the trip but as I've been harassed for pictures I have added more to the slide show (click on it to go to Picasa and bigger images).
Over the next week I'll had more entries about our trip to Mole National Park...elephants, wart hogs, crocs, and Cobb (deer)...or yeah and lots of baboons! This was an amazing experience that I'll never forget and was grateful that I was within the Safari group that I was...more on that later!
I'll also post an entry about our trip to Cape Coast and the visit to the Cape Coast Castle which was a central location in the trans-Atlantic slave trade. Needless to say this was a powerful and emotional experience that I'm sure I'll be processing for years to come. This part of the trip was also where I experienced the most extreme examples of the environmental damage caused by the improper disposal of plastics waste...again more to come about that!
For those of you who have been patiently waiting for further details and pics...thanks for waiting! I'll add more pics as I go along.
Awesome pics, Aggie!!! Looks amazing!!!